Essential phone sales reach 50,000 units
Essential phone sales reach 50,000 units
Essential has not disclosed PH-1 sales until the moment, but there are those who seek such news, where it was announced earlier that the company sold only 5,000 units, depending on the retailer.
Today another source has been relied on to discover that there are 50,000 copies sold from the phone by making phone camera application downloads in the Google Play Store.
The number of downloads of the camera application in Google Play comes between 50000-100000, which means that the phone already exists with more than 50,000 users who have downloaded the camera application or downloaded one of the application updates.
A few weeks ago, the company reduced the price of the phone by more than $ 200 to $ 500. This step may have pushed the company's sales forward, as well as easy access to the phone through electronic stores.
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